How Health Advocacy Can Help You

Why Should You Use Health Advocacy Services?

Health Advocacy Helps You Find Your Voice To Ask The Questions That Need To Be Asked So You Can Make Informed Decisions

Helping You Make Sense of the Fragmented Healthcare System

From working in intensive care units for many years to hospice, and then back to the emergency department I have seen how fragmented the care has become. The physicians are highly specialized and many times there is nobody overseeing the “big picture”. Each physician just looks at the system they’re treating and can’t even answer a simple question about another body system. The industry focuses on the “disease” or condition, rather than the person. Most physicians don’t even have time to have a conversation with patients as they are focused on the computerized charting to be certain their group is paid. Many days they are scheduled back to back, with no time to have a much-needed conversation with someone who may be entering a new transition in their health.

How can a person be expected to sign an “informed consent” when they haven’t been informed? They are just told by the physician or nurse, “you have to do this”, not given any options except forging ahead with aggressive interventions which may not be something they would choose if they knew there were other options. That’s where an advocate can step in and help you find your voice to ask the questions that need to be asked.

The Industry Tends To Focus On The Disease or Condition and Not The Person

As Your Independent Health Advocate I Can Focus On Your Individual Needs

As a Registered Nurse in the State of California for nearly 40 years, I have seen our healthcare system transform from a system that focuses on the care of each individual person to an industry that focuses on technology with the goal of financial gain, NOT the care of an individual person. From the very beginning of my nursing career, I have been a patient advocate, verbalizing my concerns and not being afraid to speak up when something needs to be changed, even at the expense of losing a job!

Our current medical industry has “medicalized” our lives and convinced us all that we need to have a screening for this, or a screening for that! Which disease are we going to “fight against”? As someone who is very knowledgeable about this system, I am NOT going to allow this industry to make me “sick” before I’m “sick”, so they can make money off a disease or condition I may never know I had without their screening. I do recognize I have a very unconventional way of thinking – that is, I want to LIVE until I die!

Anam Cara Health Advocate

I Will Advocate For You With My Heart & Soul

For many years my passion has been advocacy, no matter where I’m working at the time, and now I’ve decided to bring the soul back into the healthcare experience by becoming a full time health advocate. I’m looking forward to this new adventure, of becoming “Anam Cara” (a soul friend) to all the clients I’m fortunate enough to help.