Health Advocate Fees


Free Initial Constultation

We offer an initial complimentary consultation which is typically a 20 to 30-minute phone call where we gather information about your needs and provide you with information so we can both determine if Anam Cara Health Advocates can assist you in navigating your individual situation. We will actively listen and identify your current challenges, prioritize your concerns, identify ways we can assist you, start to develop an initial plan of care, and begin connecting you with resources and referrals based on your needs. During this initial call, if it is determined that our services are not what you’re looking for, or not the best fit for your situation, we will offer alternatives and resources that may be beneficial to you.

Independent Health Advocates spend many years acquiring the knowledge, professional experience, skills, and resources to be competent and effective in our role. I have 40 years of experience at the bedside of people ranging from minor health concerns to managing the most critical patients in the ICU to gain the expertise, knowledge, and skills to help people navigate the medical industry. I have also obtained certifications that required financial resources as well as time and experience to acquire.


Intermittent Consultations for Individuals

Are you in a position where you just need an occasional listening ear or a little bit of guidance regarding your situation? We offer consultations to assist with referrals, provide advocacy and support during provider visits including asking questions to provide you with clarity.

These consultations will give you peace of mind knowing you have an experienced advocate at your side at a moment’s notice. This provides you the knowledge to make informed healthcare decisions and facilitates communication with family members and healthcare providers. We will create a Health Record easily shared with your family members and providers so those people you choose to be, are aware of your situation and wishes.

These intermittent consultations are up to 60 minutes of phone, virtual, or in-person consultation time. Any additional time spent after the consultation doing research, providing education, resources or referrals will be billed hourly.

Intermittent Consultations


All-Inclusive Advocacy Program

This level of advocacy is for patients and caregivers who are experiencing significant changes in their health or functional status who may be worried about a reduction in their quality of life. You may have had a recent traumatic event, such as a fall. Or, you may be facing a new serious illness, or life-threatening diagnosis. You may feel exhausted managing several chronic diseases with distressing symptoms. You may feel your providers aren’t listening to what is important to you. You don’t want to feel alone attempting to navigate the medical industry on your own or you may have difficulty understanding and communicating all of the technical jargon your providers are using.

Our all-inclusive advocacy program will leave you feeling peaceful, hopeful and knowledgeable in understanding all of your options and making choices and decisions which are taking your values into account. You will know the questions to ask providers and feel comfortable asking questions during appointments. You and your loved ones will feel less fear, uncertainty, guilt, doubt, frustration and stress. You will spend less time being “medicalized” and more time living and doing the things you enjoy.

Here are the services we provide in our All-Inclusive Advocacy Program:

In-depth review of your medical records including doing a comprehensive health history and compiling an accurate medication list. We will review and organize your medical records so each of your providers has your complete history, and if you go to the emergency department the physicians will have an up to date history.

Assist with complex decision making through research, education and support. We assist you prepare for outpatient appointments and will attend appointments with you if desired and communicate information to your other providers and family members.

We will facilitate conversations with your loved ones and providers about advanced directives and decision-making. We will assist you in doing the paperwork. We can coordinate placement into assisted living, hospice, rehab or group homes. Provide referrals for durable medical equipment, caregivers, drivers, dog walkers, meal providers and a variety of other resources. End of life planning, support and resources.


Initial retainer of $1000 to $2000 depending on the scope and duration of services determined during the initial triage conversation. Generally this retainer covers 5-10 hours of work, including in-person meetings, phone calls, research, and communicating with providers and family. Hourly billing will be deducted from retainer with monthly statements itemizing services provided.


Crisis or Emergency Advocate Services

This level of advocacy is generally provided in the Emergency Department or in the hospital. It can also be provided at your place of residence if you’ve made decisions you don’t want to go to a hospital if you have an “emergency” and you’ve documented those wishes in your advanced directive or your POLST form.

  • We provide a medical review session.
  • We are available to provide ER or hospital inpatient complex decision support (in the event your condition is serious: diagnosis, treatment options, end of life).
  • Coordination with the Emergency Department or inpatient physicians, nurses and case managers.
  • Attend or arrange multidisciplinary case conferences, with family if so desired.
  • We will assist with hospital discharge planning, whether to home, a skilled nursing facility or rehab center.
  • We will reinforce the discharge instructions and update your medication list to reduce the risk of errors.
  • Complex resource acquisition and coordination (multiple home care providers, non-medical, medical, hospice, DME, home safety, etc).
  • Provide holistic support by providing resources and referrals for pet care, garden, household maintenance and bill pay services.
  • We also assist with end of life planning, resources as well as funeral or celebration of life resources.

Crisis or emergency advocacy is complex and intensive, so the retainer for this level of service is $3000 and covers between 10 and 12 hours of complex management.

Anam Cara Health Advocate

I want to help you gain clarity and peace of mind.
I am on YOUR side and will help make the system work for YOU.