Anam Cara, an Irish Celtic term meaning “soul friend”, strives to bring the SOUL back into healthcare.

The healthcare system has become complicated, overwhelming, and disjointed, especially for those facing the frailty and normal decline of aging.  We provide you assistance to navigate medical appointments (if that is what you want), hospice, and end-of-life care, giving you the energy to spend your precious time living and enjoying the activities you choose.

We can help you find peace of mind by guiding you through the natural decline that the aging process brings, as well as helping you formulate questions to ask your provider so you understand the options available to make informed decisions about your care.
Lori Rochac, Health Advocate

Helping You Find Clarity & Peace

These days the healthcare industry tends to focus on the condition or disease, rather than the person, creating a fragmented system. There is little to no communication between specialists and physicians and many doctors do not have time listen and put it all together. We can help create the “big picture” by organizing information, teaching you about available options, encouraging you to ask questions, collaborating with your health team, and facilitating communication so you can make informed choices that fulfill your healthcare goals.

Anam Cara Health Advocates – Put 40 Years of Nursing Experience To Work For YOU

Schedule A Free Initial Consultation Today
Virtual and In-Person Appointments Available

Facing End-Of-Life Decisions?

Anam Cara is passionate about assisting families dealing with transitions and end-of-life care. We have extensive experience with both hospice and palliative care. We will help you find your voice so you can ask questions, learn about available options and make informed decisions.

Advance Directives
End-of-Life Planning
Funerals and Celebrations of Life
Hospice Referrals
DNR and POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) Forms
Spiritual Care and Support

We provide all aspects of health advocacy services and specialize in end-of-life planning.

Ready to gain clarity and peace of mind?
We are on YOUR side and will help make the system work for YOU.

National Hospice Palliative Care Org
National Nurses in Business Association (NNBA)
National Association of Healthcare Advocacy